Marijuana is usually rolled up in a cigarette called a joint or a nail. It can also be brewed as a tea or mixed with food, or smoked through a water pipe called a bong. It is sometimes laced with other more powerful drugs such as crack cocaine or PCP.
Hashish is a related of the drug, made from resins of the Indian hemp plant. It is on average six times stronger than marijuana.
Cannabis describes any of the different drugs that come from the Indian hemp plant, including marijuana and hashish.
Cannabis is number three of the top five substances which account for admissions to drug treatment facilities in the United States. According to a National Household Survey on Drug Abuse, kids who frequently use marijuana are almost four times more likely to act violently or damage property. They are five times more likely to steal than those who do not use the drug.
This drug is a hallucinogen – a substance which distorts how the mind perceives the world we live in.
Marijuana is often more potent today than it used to be. Growing techniques and selective use of seeds have produced a more powerful drug. As a result, there has been a sharp increase in the number of marijuana-related emergency room visits by young pot smokers.
Because a tolerance builds up, marijuana can lead users to consume stronger drugs to achieve the same high. When the effects start to wear off, the person may turn to more potent drugs to rid himself of the unwanted conditions that prompted him to take marijuana in the first place. Marijuana itself does not lead the person to the other drugs: people take drugs to get rid of unwanted situations or feelings. The drug (marijuana) masks the problem for a time (while the user is high). When the “high” fades, the problem, unwanted condition or situation returns more intensely than before. The user may then turn to stronger drugs since marijuana no longer “works.” Marijuana is regarded as a gateway drug to harder drugs.
Short-term Effects:
- Sensory distortion
- Panic and anxiety
- Loss of coordination and distortions in the sense of time, vision and hearing, sleepiness, reddening of the eyes, increased appetite and relaxed muscles.
- Study performance is reduced through impaired memory and lessened ability to solve problems
- Lowered reaction time
- Sleepy and depressed
- Heart rate can speed up. In fact, in the first hour of smoking marijuana, a user’s risk of a heart attack could increase fivefold.
Long-term Effects:
- Long-term use can cause psychotic symptoms.
- Reduced resistance to common illnesses (colds, bronchitis, etc.)
- Suppression of immune system
- Growth disorders
- Increase of abnormally structured cells in the body
- Reduction of male sex hormones
- Rapid destruction of lung fibres and lesions to the brain could be permanent
- Reduced sexual capacity
- Reduced ability to learn and retain information
- Apathy, drowsiness and lack of motivation
- Personality and mood changes
- Inability to understand things clearly
Astro turf
Bhang Blunt Boom Chronic Dagga Dope Gangster Ganja |
Hemp Herb Home grown J Kiff Mary Jane Nederweed Pot |
Purple Haze
Reefer Roach Smoke Skunk Super Skunk Texas tea Weed |
Widow |
Chocolate Hash Shit |