About Us
Welcome to Tranquility Home – a place for peace and recovery for substance abuse victims. At Tranquility we provide a safe haven, where anyone who has endured trying times as a victim of drugs and alcohol or any type of substance abuse can get the necessary help that they need to recover.
With the support, expert assistance and guidance that Tranquility Home Rehabilitation Clinic can offer you, we’re confident that treatment with our rehab centre in Johannesburg will allow you to re-enter your life confident and free from substance abuse addiction.
At Tranquility we make one simple promise to our patients, their friends and families, and that is to provide the most effective treatment available. We have an acute understanding of just what our patients are going through, and design a treatment programme that tackles your issues head-on. Indeed, if you have any ongoing issues that require the attention of trained professionals, and previous treatment has failed you, or indeed if having teetered on the precipice of under-going treatment previously, and have recently decided that the time is right to begin a new life, then here at Tranquility Home, our Johannesburg-based rehab clinic is just for you.
Unlike other drug and alcohol rehabilitation centres, here at Tranquility we treat the mind, body and spirit. Tranquility offers a comprehensive-approach to all treatments, an approach that allows patients to be treated in a dignified and caring manner.
We offer both in-patient and out-patient treatment programmes for both male and female patients.
Tranquillity is proud to offer multi-modal therapeutic approaches for all of our patients. Such therapy includes both individual and group therapies, either with fellow patients or friends and families. Through this therapy we ascertain the root cause of your issues. Our educational, and yet sensitive workshops also offer relaxation therapy and considered support to allow each patient to get to grips with the issues that are governing your life.
The primary goal of Tranquility is to improve the quality of all of our patient’s lives. Our results speak for themselves. Please read our success stories. Please spend some time browsing our site and discovering why we are one of the premier alcohol and drug rehabilitation centres in South Africa.
Contact us for a FREE and confidential assessment: 011 568 5197 / Email: enquiry@tranquilityclinic.co.za